Annual meeting of Japan Association of Wind Engineering
In odd years, 80 to 100 technical papers are presented by general members of JAWE in two day meeting.
In even years, designated presentations for a couple of special subjects are given in a single day meeting.
The National Symposium on Wing Engineering (biannual)
Approximately, 80 to 100 technical papers, which have passed peer reviews, are presented in three day symposium in December. This symposium is co-organized by five engineering societies: AIJ (Architectural Institute of Japan), JSCE (Japanese Society of Civil Engineers), JSSC (Japanese Society of Steel Construction), MSJ (Meteorological Society of Japan) and JAWE (Japan Association of Wind Engineering). Among these societies, JAWE serves as the permanent co-organizer.
The first symposium was held in 1968. The first several symposiums were named as National Symposium on Wind Resistance of Structures.
The Symposium on Wind (annual)
This is a historical symposium which has marked 57th in 2012. Seventeen academic societies including JAWE are co-organizing this symposium. Various subjects of presentations on wind, from engineering to meteorology, hydrology and agriculture are presented.